Recipes shared on the Cooking & Eating Club formed by a group of friends in Canterbury, UK.
Monday, 20 July 2009
Chocolate Salami
Rich Tea biscuits 150g
Sugar (icing sugar preferred) 200g
Cocoa or chocolate powder 50g
Butter 100g
Whole Eggs 1
(This is the original recipe. What I did was a double recipe, but I did not double the butter or the sugar.)
Mix everything (except for the biscuits) until you get a uniform dough. Then, add the rich tea biscuits in large pieces. Mix again. Wrap this tightly in a few layers of foil (squeeze it as much as possible; you can even hit it against a table or worktop) and make it into a 'salami' shape. Put in the fridge for a few hours. Serve cut in slices.
1 - Take the foil out before cutting it into slices, so you don't get small bits of foil in it. This is particularly important if you are giving it to children who might not notice the foil.
2 - Though you can use any type of sugar, icing sugar will give it a smoother taste.
3 - If you use chocolate powder instead of cocoa make sure to cut quite a bit on the sugar quantity!
4 - If you are in a hurry, leave it in the freezer for some hours.
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